Become an effective

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Consult with Glenn

No matter what you’re doing, whether you’re in business, building a career in the arts, or advocating for change in the world, you need a good plan.


It doesn’t have to take forever to draw something up. Nothing is ever cut in stone. You know what you want to build, so get it straight, make a plan, and make your adjustments as you go.

That’s what I do. I sit down with you for a couple of hours to help you figure out what you’re going to do.

You already know your craft. I help you plan how you will communicate the most effectively to reach your goal.

My sessions are designed and priced for Atlantic Canadians. I offer a custom-designed session where you come away with a straight-forward and concise plan of action to communicate effectively for your specific purpose.

Why work with a publicist?

  • Publicists help people gain and manage exposure for their work or an idea.
  • Publicists help develop everything from how you present yourself to others, to how you read and post material online.
  • A good publicist will examine your daily, weekly and long-term communications needs so you can communicate the most effectively for your purpose.
Publicist Glenn Friel seated at desk with hands clasped

I prefer to meet with you online for about 30 minutes before you book a session. That way, you can get an idea of what to expect, and I have a chance to get to know you well enough to design a session to meet your needs.

When you arrive at the online session, the first hour involves a series of questions to determine “where you’re at.” I want to help you look inward at your communication habits.  For the second hour, I help you design a plan of action with new and adjusted habits to turn you into the effective communicator you want to be. All of my sessions are different because everybody is different.

Do you want to get to know me first? Check out my About Me page.